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PAX UNIVERSALIS, letter for world peace to The Honourable Leaders on the letter to Putin

Honorable Members and Presidents
Ministries, Government Houses, Authorities and Organizations
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Letter to the various representatives of the major world Ministries and Organizations, spokesperson for a message of peace in the world initiated by the Political Coordinator of the city of Pescara, alternate candidate for the Senate of the Italian Republic 2022, CREATI MARIO detto MARIUS

Communicated to the Honorable Members present at the relevant offices on 22 April 2024

Communication for a message of peace averted in the heart of the Power classes

Distinguished Honorable Ladies and Gentlemen, belonging to the Power Elite classes,
Esquires Presidents and Ministers of the major Western and Eastern States,
Esquires Presidents and Ministers of the various States in the world,
Esquires Presidents and Honorable Members of the major Organizations,
Esquires Presidents and Honorable Members of the Government Commissions,

I personally address You all in the hope that my words, in my epistolary gesture, can infuse a different vision on the vicissitudes undertaken so far in time and space that affect the fate of the inhabitants of the planet in which we all live, despite the diversity of the social classes of belonging, so that a way can be found to stem the asperities, until now unequivocally triggered in the chain of unfortunate events, which sooner or later will reach the limit of the threshold of the point of no return. And I wish to take You to that moment, to induce a reflection on that precise instant, at the moment in which my dear Ladies and Gentlemen you might come to ask yourself whether it would have been better to go back and stop in the present, in these days of late April, rather than reaching the threshold of a near future that would have no future for humanity, exceedingly tearing apart a large part of the entire planet. It is at that precise moment that we are terribly arriving. You are aware of it, as I am too!

I am Marius Creati, a Political Coordinator of the city of Pescara, as well as already a candidate for the Senate of the Italian Republic in the 2022 elections, I boast a series of past and present personal political actions, despite of my political path has not advanced over the years, including the imminent presentation of a project on nutrition to be addressed to the President of the European Commission, and communicated to the President of the Council of Ministers.

My Esquires, you don’t need to hide the truth! I perfectly understand the dynamics of the projects designed for humanity, the designs that come to illuminate your intentions, I have a broad vision of your work, which for better or worse operates in anticipation of a future that escapes even your understanding, and this leads to making drastic choices in the complexity of having to evolve humanity in moving from one civilization to another over the course of the centuries. For many it is difficult to understand that civilized humanity involves into new forms of imperialism, a cultural metaphor dictated by the cyclical nature of man’s destiny closed in his terrestrial space, whether it is in 50 or 500 years does not matter. The important thing instead is to move towards forms of thought, and not trails of abstract concepts, which lead to an epochal change, but in full existential balance. The clash at the extreme limit of the point of no return, in a planetary reality not yet ready for evolution, would be catastrophic for everyone, even for You, and for those who come after. It would be the complete collapse of humanity, even for those evolved from artificial neo-eugenics.

Universal peace in the world is possible. A sign of peace between peoples becomes a giant step towards an inevitable reorganization from the harshness of wars that loom over nations.

World peace is plausible, all we need to do is desire the conditions for it. In the absence of a planet unified in peace it will not be possible to look beyond, in ourselves and towards the stars. Sending a letter to the President of the Russian Federation about a month after the start of his anti-Nazi military operation represents a glimmer of peace for the entire Western community, which is highly concerned about the fate of the whole of Europe; at present a civic commitment towards fellow Italian citizens and the entire world in communicating an epistolary gesture aimed at demonstrating a growing common dissent that goes against the wake of belligerence, invoking a return to custom, common sense and the renunciation of harshness.

The sincere empathy expressed towards the Russian Federation is not a way of feeling distant from the United States of America, rather a point of ditching between two worlds, the East and the West, so that a compromise of agreement can be reached and finally start living peacefully.
The letter to President Vladimir Putin is personal, of a limited political nature, intended to demonstrate the profound friendly spirit of the majority of the European population towards Russia, forced into the discomfort of a war between states caused by private economic interests.

“I implore a reminder in the hearts of You Powerful Ones” through the disclosure of a single letter sent two years ago which I am only making known at the present time.

Mine wants to be a message of peace, an invocation to reflect on the global destiny of the world towards all classes of Power. Furthermore, it aims to represent a call for agreement on the basis of equal dignity between states at war, in the vicinity of multiple open fronts where hundreds of thousands of innocent people perish, which I wish to be re-established soon between the contesting parties, not as a mere suspension agreement of the belligerent status quo, but a premise for epochal peacemaking renewal. In other words we want to intone a rekindling of good will since it is the small gestures made in great moments that dictate new and unexpected balances, which in short becomes a hymn to the return towards détente. Amen! Thanking you for the right attention You gave to my communication. I hope You can consider my sudden request for agreement as a coalition proposal and perhaps share the harmony personally I would be very honored – on this occasion I wish You a good day.

Marius Creati

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