Home > Interviste di Marius Creati > Elaine Lancaster in dialogue with Marius Creati

Elaine Lancaster in dialogue with Marius Creati

Elaine Lancaster is a fascinating character created by the fancy of the actor James Davis, inspired by some characters in a novel of Jackie Collins and soon become a famous star and well-known figure in the world of American celebrities. Scheming and witty Diva of Miami, through her various performances showed in many famous Clubs and remarkable special events, she has been able to engage her fans adopting an exhilarating savoir faire full of glamour, pushed by the need to exist under the spotlights, which it has spread the fame and has granted the favors of the stage as the main character or alongside many other famous artists.

Elaine Lancaster, “Best Drag Queen” for 1999-2000, has conquered the scene outside of her stage as well, let the world become her personal amphitheatre, as objects of social limelight, mixing on herself a symbolic figure linked to many higher important charities, currently engaged not only as a great show artist, but as an estimated performancer, second lead only to the kindness of her heart.

Exclusive interview by Marius Creati

M.C.: How is born the character of Elaine Lancaster? Which episode or event marked the beginning of your performative way towards the success?

Elaine Lancaster: The name Elaine Lancaster was taken from a Jackie Collin’s novel, ‘Hollywood Wives’ there was Elaine Conti & Karen Lancaster……..I took the two & made them into One amazing Woman, Elaine Lancaster. Elaine was born on Halloween in Lawrence, Kansas where I attended University. I won the costume contest & was addicted to the attention and energy immediately.

M.C.: Which change has been really replaced into your life and what instead has remained unimpaired with the occurred notoriety?

Elaine Lancaster: I know how powerful celebrity can be & if it is used for good a lot of good can come from it… So I try to align myself with causes that are near & dear to my heart. One person can not save the world but can inspire legions of people to get involved and have a lasting impact on the world or a cause.

M.C.: If you had to describe your whole person, what aspect should you bring out even more?

Elaine Lancaster: I think one of the greater components of the complexities of Elaine Lancaster has to be the need to make a difference in the World.

M.C.: In a country seemingly liberal as the United States of America, but still strongly conservative in many aspects, has it been difficult to expose your character, above all at the beginning of your artistic course?

Elaine Lancaster: Great Question, yes I do see the Puritan influences alive and well in the United States, but change is coming slowly. I do NOT have any problems with my character of Elaine Lancaster since I have taken the name and recognition to such an elevated level that people know who Elaine is at first sight, but there are still some ignorant people out there.

M.C.: Is it fundamental be an icon for the disclosure of the homosexual identity in America or does the emancipation not need of symbolic figures into your country?

Elaine Lancaster: I do not feel as if I am a spokesperson for the Gay Community or any community. I am an American who feels that ALL American’s of every race,  creed, sex or sexual orientation should be entitled to EQUALITY across the board, legally. I try to live my life openly & honestly and I pray by doing so it leads by example, so others are liberated enough to live their lives authentically.

M.C.: Do you feel “important”, for the resonance of the celebrity, or “special”, for the uniqueness of the figure bound to your name? How do you feel in your innermost Self?

Elaine Lancaster: Honestly I do not feel fundamentally better than anyone else, but if I am as Elaine Lancaster I do not want to wait in a line or sat in a place where I could be subjected to harassment by people who do not think as highly as Elaine thinks of herself. I am a Man who creates an intimidating woman so I know it is important to be the first to speak or make others feel welcomed. Elaine was born to make the world a better place not to Stand alone on a Pedestal and be stared at.

M.C.: Which characteristic do you love deeply of you and which one instead of the interpretation of your character on stage? Are they two different aspects of the same person or two traits that run in unison?

Elaine Lancaster: Elaine is very quick witted and loves to control the room but that said, I LOVE my the fact that I am love MOST People & want to find out about them as much as they want to know about me.

M.C.: In your opinion, be a famous Drag Queen in America is it like to be the same in Europe, and more specifically in Italy?

Elaine Lancaster: I have worked very hard to establish a well respected reputation for myself by doing the “right thing”. I am a tireless fund-raiser for numerous charities. I am the spokesperson for the Largest HIV/AIDS fundraiser in south Florida, the White Party, Breast Cancer charities, the Blacks Annual Gala (benefitting at risk youth) and an array of others.

M.C.:  Do you know the recent episodes of homophobia in Italy? What do you think?

Elaine Lancaster: I think I have heard something about some attacks on Gay People in Italy but do not know the specifics. I do not think there is a place for violence against Gay, Lesbian, Bi or Transexuals anywhere in the world and it should be spoken out against by nations governments, but I know it happens and I hope the good citizens of their nations stand in protest to such acts.

M.C.: Are there evident cases of homophobia in America?

Elaine Lancaster: There is homophobia in America and everywhere in the world. Americans still do NOT have the right to marry, equal rights under the federal government, service openly  in the military, adapt children, can loose their housing in a lot of states if the landlord finds out they are Gay.

M.C.: Is there a special place in the city of MIami, or in general in America, which you feel connected to? Is there also an equally special place in Europe that you keep in your heart or where often you wish to return?

Elaine Lancaster: I Love living in Miami, but love to travel to New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Arizona, Colorado for skiing… all over. I love the connection with the Ocean living in Miami, the mountains of Aspen. I lived in Milano for a couple of years in the early 1990’s and have a connection with the city and her people, plus the wonderful food.

M.C.: Be a celebrity is synonymous of perfection, but have you been moments of particular uncertainty in your life?

Elaine Lancaster: I am far from Perfect and do not try to betray myself in that light at all. What makes Elaine Lancaster a celebrity or a Star is that people are able to relate to her if they are male, female, straight or gay…….I think most people can connect with her as fully Alive and Human….

M.C.: Do you have a hobby for which you feed a special interest?

Elaine Lancaster: I Love to go to the beach and swim in the ocean when ever possible, I love to travel whenever I have the time. I love to cook for friends and family, and I love to make jewelry for myself.

M.C.: Is there a remarkable idea, a symbolic sentence, a meaningful thought by which you could define your person?

Elaine Lancaster: “To Thine Own Self be True”

fonte: MondoRaro InsideLife

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